Call to Action: CMS/CDC Needs to Hear from YOU!
- By: Danielle Watford
- On: 08/15/2022 08:24:27
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
In response the team at AHCA/NCAL has been elevating concerns in the media as well.
- Extend the PHE While Updating COVID Protocols, Nursing Home Advocates Urge Feds
- Senior Living Advocates call for HHS to Evolve Its COVID-19 Guidance
- Major Nursing Home Association Urges COVID Emergency Extension, Revised Guidance
You may have seen last week that the CDC updated its COVID-19 guidance for the public. In its press release, the CDC also said the following:
“This updated guidance is intended to apply to community settings. In the coming weeks CDC will work to align stand-alone guidance documents, such as those for healthcare settings, congregate settings at higher risk of transmission, and travel, with today's update.”
Now that we know the CDC is planning to update this guidance AHCA/NCAL renews their ask for your help. A team of AHCA/NCAL members and staff has developed a data driven/common sense plan that would relieve these restrictions when COVID risks are low and align protocols with the current stage of the pandemic.
We need the CDC and CMS to understand how the current guidance is not sustainable and makes it hard on residents, families, and staff.
You can help us with this by writing the CDC and CMS on this topic. We encourage you to do so. Letters can be emailed to the CDC and/or CMS:
• CDC:
• CMS:
If you do send comments, please send a copy to AHCA/NCAL at
Staff Contact: