
MHCA and LTCOP announce 2022 Excellence in Long Term Care Award Winners

The Maine Long Term Care Ombudsman Program and the Maine Health Care Association are proud to announce the recipients of the 2022 Excellence in Long Term Care Award. Please know we appreciate and value all of our caregivers. With over 40 nominations, the judges noted that it was not easy to choose from such a wonderful, committed pool of nominees who spend their days and nights caring for others. After much deliberation, the following are this year's winners:
Excellence in Long Term Care Awards 2022
Shirley Bonenfant, Laundry, Forest Hill
Katie Dudley, PSS, Compassionate Caregivers for ME, LLC
Penny James, PSS, Seniors/Domestics Home Care Agency
Lisa Johnson, Housekeeping Aide, Maine Veterans' Home Machias
George Johnson, Care Aide/CRMA, 75 State Street 
Melody Knox, CNA, St. Andre Health Care
Cathy Lincoln CNA-M Level III, Rehab Aide Maine Veterans Home Augusta
Holly Martin, RN, Orchard Park Rehab & Living Center
Betty Kubera, CNA, Katahdin Health Care
Mei Ramirez, CRMA, DLTC Halldale Manor
Emily Skyers, CRMA, The Landing at Cape Elizabeth
Joshua Stevens, Nurse Manager, Barron Center
Kelly Williams, CNA, Mid Coast Senior Health Center
We thank this year's judges for their time and expertise. They are:
Nadine Grosso, Maine Health Care Association
Trinity Baker, Maine Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Jeanne Delicata, Barron Center
Winners will be recognized during the 2022 Excellence in Long Term Care Awards Luncheon and Program on Tuesday, September 27th at 10 am at Maple Hill Farm . Invitations and details will be coming soon with RSVP instructions. While in-person attendance will be limited due to Covid-19 Health and Safety Protocols, the event will be live streamed and the link made available to all. Congratulations to all! 

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