Statewide Hiring Events
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 09/22/2022 16:02:02
- In: Workforce
- Sept 21: Waterville Outdoor Hiring Event featuring Caring for ME. Event page & registration info here
- Sept 22: Ellsworth Caring for ME event. Event page & registration here
- Sept 29: Brunswick Outdoor Hiring Event featuring Caring for ME. Event page & registration here
- Oct 4: Virtual State-Wide Caring for ME Event. Registration link here
- TBD: Greater Portland Caring for ME Event. Location and date forthcoming!
These in-person hiring events will have Caring For ME special swag, door prizes, and interactive activities. Please register your company for the event (or events) that are of interest as soon as possible via the event pages above. Our Maine CareerCenter team will be in touch to make sure you have a Maine Job Link account and share some resources with your team staffing the event.
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