CDC Expands COVID-19 Provider Vaccine Agreements to LTC Facilities
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 12/22/2022 10:38:16
- In: COVID-19
Previously, some LTC facilities were limited in their ability to access the COVID-19 vaccine directly due to federal reporting requirements imposed on LTC pharmacies. Now, LTC facilities can become sub-providers in the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program and provide single dose vaccine to residents without the vaccine reporting requirements except in certain states with laws and regulations that require reporting to their state IIS system. Important notes on this agreement include:
- This does NOT eliminate the required weekly aggregate reporting of vaccine information through NHSN.
- If you have a federal vaccine provider agreement in place, this is not necessary.
- You will need to talk to your LTC pharmacy about reporting requirements in your state.
- To receive single dose files from the LTC pharmacy, you will need to sign the CDC COVID-19 Sub-Provider Vaccine Agreement for LTCF located on the CDC website. Most of the requirements outlined in this agreement are steps you already follow for other vaccines such as influenza.
More information can be found on the CDC website.
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