Virtual RAC-CT program at risk of cancellation due to low enrollment
- By: Ashley Ellis
- On: 10/13/2022 10:07:49
- In: Education
Don't forget, you can take this program for FREE by utilizing funding available from the Maine Community College Workforce Development Compact. For more details on this incredible resource, please click here.
Increase your knowledge of clinical assessment and care planning, completion of the MDS, the regulations surrounding the RAI/MDS process, and managing the PDPM by attending an AAPACN Resident Assessment Coordinator—Certified (RAC-CT) certification workshop. Having the RAC-CT credential behind your name shows that you are a knowledgeable and capable MDS professional.
This certification is the most widely-recognized and respected MDS 3.0 certification available in the long-term care profession, as well as the mark of nurses who understand more than a paper form—they understand resident assessment.
When: November 16, 17, and 18, 2022, 8:00am-5:00pm
Where: Zoom Virtual Platform
Instructor: Andrea Otis-Higgins, MBA, RN, MLNHA, RAC-MT, CHC
For more information and to register, please visit the website. Please reach out to Ashley Ellis, Director of Education with any questions.
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