Directory & Buyer's Guide Advertising Opportunity
- By: Dianne Chicoine
- On: 08/09/2022 16:04:00
- In: Announcements/Reminders
This year's Directory will be printed and distributed onsite at our Fall Health Care Conference & Expo on October 18-20 at the Samoset. An electronic copy will be available and distributed to all MHCA members after the conference. Attendees and exhibitors receive 1 complimentary printed copy.
- Quarter Page Ad (4.5” w x 1.5” h) Black/white: $100 OR Color: $125
- Half Page (4.5” w x 3.5” h) Black/white: $175 OR Color: $225
- Full Page (4.5”w x 7”h) Black/white: $250 OR Color: $325
- A complete listing of all Maine long term care facilities by county - MHCA members are differentiated;
- A listing of all organizational members of MHCA
- A directory of important governmental and regulatory agencies and contacts;
- An advertising/buyer's guide showcasing vendors of long term care services and products - indexed by type of business;
- A listing of Fall Conference Exhibitors;
- With the electronic publication, we added navigational features, like bookmarks, for ease of finding information and facility listings. We also hyperlink to websites and email addresses.
- Sized, camera-ready advertisements are preferred;
- Electronic files format preferences (300 dpi): tif, jpeg, PDF. Be sure to collect fonts for PDFs.
Purchase your ad today!
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