Directory/Buyer's Guide

The Directory & Buyer's Guide is a great way to gain ongoing exposure after the conference has ended. This year's Directory will be printed and distributed onsite at the Fall Conference. An electronic copy will be available and distributed to MHCA members after the conference. Attendees and exhibitors receive 1 complimentary printed copy. MAXIMIZE your exposure with one of our sponsorship opportunities. Most sponsorship levels include complimentary ads.

Features of this valued publication include:

  • With the electronic publication, we added navigational features, like bookmarks, for ease of finding information and facility listings. We also hyperlink to websites and email addresses.
  • A complete listing of all Maine long term care facilities by county - MHCA members are differentiated;
  • A listing of all organizational members of MHCA;
  • An advertising/buyer's guide showcasing vendors of long term care services and products - indexed by type of business;
  • A directory of important governmental and regulatory agencies and contacts;
  • A listing of Fall Conference Exhibitors.

Advertisement Specifications:

  • Sized, camera-ready advertisements are preferred;
  • Electronic files format preferences (300 dpi): tif, jpeg, PDF. Be sure to collect fonts for PDFs. 
  • If artwork is not camera-ready, we can produce your advertisement from business cards, letterhead or other copy you provide.

Staff Contact: 
Dianne J. Chicoine
Coordinator of Exhibits/Sponsorships, Directory & Buyer's Guide, PAC Auction, and the Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament