Direct Care Worker Summit registrations are rolling in: Don't forget to register your team ASAP!
- By: Ashley Ellis
- On: 11/09/2022 12:53:48
- In: Education
Read on to learn more about this great opportunity! These full-day educational programs will include sessions on leadership, quality of care, self-care, and mentorship. Direct Care Worker Summits will roll out across the state beginning later this month. The roadshow will visit Presque Isle, Bangor, Augusta, and Portland before wrapping up with a virtual program for those who couldn't join in-person. Grant funding has been secured through the Maine Community College Workforce Development Compact making these programs FREE to MHCA members.
Space is limited and registration is off to a very strong start. Don't delay, register your teams today! To learn more and access the online registration form, please click here.
We encourage you to take advantage of this special opportunity to support the professional development of your direct care workforce. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Ashley Ellis, with any questions.
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